«Global Feed Forum»
October 8, 2013
International Press Centre RIA Novosti, Moscow, m.Park Culture, Zubovsky Blvd., 4

Global Feed Forum «Prospects of development of the world feed market” – an international business event, which will be held on 8th of October in the international press center “RIA Novosti” in Moscow. The conference will include section sessions in open dialogue, business negotiations, the conclusion of investment contracts and also practical seminars.

One of the main tasks of agriculture in all countries of the world to provide the rapidly grow population with food under preserving the environment. The main contribution to the solution of the problems of large volumes production of food with lower cost, belong mastering of innovative technologies.

Cost-effective strategy for the development of food industry is based on a combination of two fundamental factors: high animal productivity by using energy-protein of saturated feed and low-cost system of feed production.

Manufacture of feedstuffs is playing a leading role in agriculture of any country, allows to solve many problems of its development. It gives animal husbandry the feed, it provides an efficient crop rotations and increasing the yield of grain and other crops and also gives arable farming the increase of soil fertility. The feed production unites, connects together plant industry and animal husbandry, arable farming and ecology, it supports the necessary balance of branches in agriculture. It provides the efficiency and sustainability of the agriculture of the world!

Invited representatives to the event:

– Ministries of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and countries of European Union, Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Ministry of the Regional Development of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Transport, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation;

-Higher agricultural leaders of Russian regions, the most prominent scientists in the aria of feed production from the leading research institutes of Russian, specialists of agricultural organizations, professionals from adjacent organizations, national and international associations of producers and consumers of agricultural products, traders and logistics companies.

– European Grassland Federation (EGF),German Agricultural Society (DLG), U.S. Wheat Associates, National Association for Genetic Safety (NAGS), EU Association of Specialty Feed Ingredients and their Mixtures.


Organizer of the Forum:


The Information and Analytical Portal  IDK.ru


Thematic sections of the Forum:

  1. Analysis of the global feed market
  2. World prices on main types of grain crops and their influence on the feed market
  3. Breeding and seed production of feed crops
  4. Status and prospects of grassland management development in the Russian Federation
  5. Logging technology, storage and use of feed for adaptive and sustainable agriculture
  6. Durable feed base – sustainable and highly efficient animal husbandry
  7. Economic value and structure of sown areas major cereal crops
  8. Herbal food value of Russian regions
  9. Investment attractiveness of the market
  10. Improving the security

The forum will be accompanied by an exhibition of innovative technologies, the equipment and press materials.

The attractiveness of the Forum for its members and visitors consists first of all in opportunity to define for itself the most perspective thematic directions and exhibition platforms. Participants of the Forum will be able to provide and receive information about exhibition and congress programs; to get acquainted with numerous proposals on participation in exhibitions around the world, to make contacts with their organizers, to hold talks on all issues and to discuss the possibility of cooperation.


Status of the event:



The subject of the Forum is focused on discussing the most topical issues of feed production’s development of agrarian branch in uneasy conditions of economic climate and the nature of financial changes.


  1. Картинка профиля Владимир Решетняк
    Владимир Решетняк

    Что всегда отличает форумы и конференции ИДК – высокий уровень информационных технологий, обеспечивающий комфортное и конструктивное деловое общение докладчиков и слушателей, организаторов и участников мероприятий. Нет предела совершенству, но думаю, в организационном плане Московский форум ИДК своеобразный эталон, который достоин стать “визитной карточкой” конгресс – мероприятий ИДК. По тематике следующее мероприятие имеет смысл планировать таким образом, чтобы “округлить” на одной площадке производителей и переработчиков аграрной продукции, животноводов и торговых операторов. Для этого достаточно тематику сессий сформировать таким образом, чтобы выстроилась логическая цепочка этапов производства, переработки и торговли аграрной продукцией. Оптимальные, на мой взгляд, даты и место проведения такого мероприятия – третья декада февраля, Ростов-на-Дону, где в это время будет проходить специализированная агропромышленная выставка. Как раз к этому времени должны созреть окончательные данные по урожаю зерна, прогнозы которого были центральной темой июньского Сочинского форума.